
So Far, It's just me and CG who are running in shoulder to shoulder

Pankaj Arora(that's me):488 (31st March morning ,11 am)
CG :467 (27th March afternoon)

Hoping for more people to join in soon.

Code for ALEP for FTF contest

Dear All,

Here is the code to FTF contest for Agloco Link Exchange Program. Please help me promote this event by placing a link on your website for FTF. I would glad to have your link placed on my Blog.

Code: ""

I hope you all enjoy the contest and enjoy being a promoter of the event.

Best Wishes
Pankaj Arora

FTF: Fastest Thousand First

Hi Guys,

Looking at the kind of delay that has been happening on the launch of Viewbar; things are getting into a dull phase where members have started showing some weariness. They have repeatedly started to question the commitment of the Agloco management. As far as i am concerned, I have my total faith in Agloco management and their concept & i do have some insight into the kind of issues you can face when you are launching a startup and that too with an entirely unique concept. I guess we got to play easy on these guys, they are pretty hardworking and may be far more smarter in their business then you and me.

So here, i just thought to spur things up a little to get the motivation back into the recruiting activity।

I am introducing a contest FTF: Fastest Thousand First primarily for ई ndian Agloco members (though, in future i might like to internationalize this.) As name suggests the contest is all about getting your first thousand fastest, and the contest is open to all those members who have yet to achieve that golden number of 1000 for the first time. The only eligibility criteria is your network size should be anywhere between a 100 to 500 at this point of time and you can report the same to me at and then i would have your name listed with your current numbers at my blog with a daily rundown to the magic number of 1000. The upside here is I am advertising this concept on all the major Agloco websites and hope to have the winners name appear at couple of these sites, so there's a definite advantage in participating in this contest.

Hope you guys like this contest and this helps you to keep you going into the last phase of Agloco Viewbar Launch with High spirits.

Best of Luck to all of you guys.

Best Wishes & Regards
Pankaj Arora

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